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Ways to be Productive if You’ve Been Laid Off During the Pandemic

With the pandemic raging on and cases increasing across the United States, workers around the country are experiencing layoffs and stay at home orders. The financial toll this takes on an individual family is enough to dampen even the most positive outlook, but the mental and emotional toll can be even worse. 

While you might enjoy some much-needed time off at first, the realization of thwarted income and a feeling of cabin fever are sure to set in. Everyone has different coping mechanisms when this fear and doubt enter their minds, but many turn to less-than-helpful means. Instead of going stir crazy, check out these top ways to be productive. 

Keep Up with Your Industry

Just because the job market is tough right now doesn’t mean it’s going to stay that way. So, choose to substitute your working hours by keeping yourself a viable employee within your industry. Take the time to keep up with industry trends and advancements.

You can do so by reading publications, following influencers on social media, or taking in some research into your job market. This is also an excellent time to take a class or two as you educate yourself further, effectively advancing your career capabilities while unemployed. 

Update Your Resume

Speaking of landing a new and even better job, why not update your resume? You probably have achievements, accomplishments, and experience you can add since you were hired at your previous job. Bringing your resume up to date ensures you’re ready to look for work the minute you’re ready. 

Pursue a Passion

Maybe you were sick of your dead-end job to begin with. If that’s the case, now is an excellent time to pursue your passions and dreams. That could include anything from a hobby to switching careers or even activism. 

For instance, you might have known about sexual harassment in your workplace or at the job of a friend and wished there was something you could do about this prevalent issue. Start by educating yourself through online articles on sexual harassment, then move onto real-life stories and practical steps you can take towards legislation and awareness. That’s just one example, though. 

Online Profiles and Networking

In addition to your resume, don’t forget to keep up on your online professional profiles. Now is an excellent time to create a more professional online presence if you haven’t already as well as network with other professional within your industry. All of this builds you up for a stronger chance at landing a better job. 

Change Careers 

If you’ve decided that (other than financially) this separation from your current line of work was in your best interest, then it’s high time you found a new career. It’s never too late to earn a new degree in a new industry or field. 

Maybe you want to join the ranks of harassment lawyers in SF, become a social media marketing whiz, or finally graduate to your MBA. Whatever the case may be, there’s no time like the present to pursue your dream job.