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How to be aware of your personal finances

 1. Making a financial plan   

If you have never taken the time to prepare a financial plan, it is time to do so. You should make one for yourself and your family. This is not just a good idea for you, but also for future generations. Many people do not even take the time to prepare a financial plan. This will cost them dearly.

Long-range goals: If you wish to save for a down payment on a house in the future, you may wish to think about some short-range goals. These would be retirement savings and investing for a child’s college education. You can also include investing for buying a business, and possibly purchasing a home down the road. If you wish to set long-range goals, you may want to consult a financial planner who can give you expert advice.

Short-range goals: Perhaps you would like to start saving money for your children’s college education ten years from now. Perhaps you would like to buy that new car you have been wanting. The bottom line is, whatever it is you want to accomplish with your financial plan, you must start saving for it today. There are many excellent investment products available today, so do your research to find the best products for your needs.

Retirement goals: You can’t invest in a business if you don’t know where you’re going to get your profits! Similarly, if you don’t have a clear picture of what your long term goals are, it will be difficult to achieve them through conventional savings methods. One approach to saving for retirement is to invest in a 401(k) or other sort of IRA account. By doing so, you are not taking a single lump sum amount from your income but rather are investing gradually for many years to reach your retirement goals. The benefit of this type of IRA account is that you are tax-deductible when contributions are made and withdrawals made.

Other tips for saving for your future and your family’s future include setting aside money each month into a savings account for unexpected events such as illness, unemployment, and unexpected tragedies that occur within your family. If you have any unused funds in your savings account, make sure you budget a portion of your monthly expenses or income for these unexpected expenses in your budget. Also, make sure you budget a portion of your assets for investments particularly if you have accumulated any sort of property (such as real estate) or are considering starting a family.

Once you have determined how much to save for your eventual retirement, begin investing your savings by buying low-risk, high-return investments such as CDs. If you have a tight budget, begin investing only what you need to purchase your necessities before you have the extra funds to live comfortably. A simple financial plan can be put together within a week or two, although you might see different results depending upon your current financial situation. Remember, it is more important to set and stick to a budget than it is to save your money blindly. Stick to the budget, and you will be able to build your nest egg for the future.      

 2. Making financial goals   

If you are saving money, then obviously you don’t want to spend money on something you aren’t going to use. But by making financial goals that are measurable, you can monitor exactly where you are going and will help you to make the necessary changes as necessary.

Besides the specific action you can take to reach your goals, you also want to take into account any extra time you are going to devote to your savings goals. This is where having a “Savings” diary comes in handy. By keeping track of your savings goals in a journal, you can see where your money is going and when it’s coming. This is especially important for those of us who have a tendency of “losing sight” of our savings goals because life tends to go in random ways. So if you find yourself with less money than you expected, the temptation can be just to stop doing everything until you get caught up, but that’s not the way to set aside your savings either.

The last part of making financial goals is to set financial benchmarks. These are the highest expectations you can have about yourself and your ability to save and invest at the same time. Again, I like to keep my goals as realistic as possible, but I also realize that they must be set in stone (in other words: not a figure of speech). That being said, having a set financial benchmark gives you something to strive for each month, and if you can achieve them, you are setting yourself up for even more success! It may take several months of consistent effort, but eventually you will be so good at saving that you will not have to worry about setting goals anymore!

There you have it – four tips for setting financial goals. If you are struggling to save or invest, talk to a financial advisor. He or she will be able to give you professional advice on how to get your debt under control, reduce your interest rates, and figure out how to stay out of debt. Even if you never use any of these tips, the knowledge you gain will give you a better understanding of the game of interest rates and how to figure them into your budget. Once you understand this, it should become easier to manage your debt, interest rates, and other financial aspects of your life!

 3. Keeping track of expenses 

When you have a lot of things to do, you’ll want to keep track of your expenses. However, if you’re like most people, you can end up spending more money than you know on the things you need to do. By using a personal finance budget sheet, you’ll be able to see where the extra money is coming from.

You should always keep records of personal expenses, whether it’s a credit card or Central Hudson bill. However, when you keep track of what you spend money on, you’ll be able to prevent yourself from impulse spending and other costly mistakes. This can help you save money, especially if you’re a work at home mom. By keeping track of your expenses, you can find out where you are wasting money and then change your spending habits to prevent these types of problems.

You’ll want to keep track of where everything is every week or month. Once you’ve done this for two or three months, you’ll find that you are starting to run out of things that you actually need. It’s beneficial to write down how much you have each week and each month.

Another great reason for keeping track of your expenses is to make sure that you aren’t spending too much money. When you start to feel bloated and like you don’t have enough gas in your car, you can immediately see where you are wasting money. If you aren’t changing your habits by cutting down on things you don’t really need, then you’ll just continue to spend more than you should. The best way to prevent this is to keep a budget in front of you. By doing this, you can tell at a glance which bills are important and which are unnecessary.

Once you have started keeping a record of your expenses, you want to be sure that you are proactive in taking care of them. Most people only tend to take action when the bills start piling up and they notice that they aren’t being able to pay them. This isn’t good practice, though. By not paying your bills when they are due, you will just be wasting money. So, instead of waiting until your funds are low, start paying them as soon as you get a reminder. Finally, keeping track of your expenses should be done in a systematic manner. You’ll want to organize everything according to type or date. For instance, you’ll want to label envelopes for purchases and credit cards. Keep a log of what you buy each month and what you pay in cash. This way, you’ll know what is important and which items you can afford to throw away.